Weave Willow With Me

Weave Willow With Me

April & May 2023 - As part of Selkirk College's community education programme, come learn to weave with willow with me at Kootenay School of Arts this Spring. 

I'll be running two workshops weaving with willow, the first will be a market basket workshop on Saturday 29th and Sunday April 30th. This workshop is the ideal starting point for beginners, looking to learn the basics of French basketry and explore if weaving is for them. You'll make a willow shoulder basket with a leather strap, perfect to take to the Nelson Farmers Market.

In my second workshop, we will be exploring more advanced weaving techniques and make a willow backpack - perfect for foraging in the Kootenay forests. The foraging backpack workshop is a 3 day workshop, from Friday 12th to Sunday 14th May. 

Both workshops will take place in the Textiles studio at KSA, 606 Victoria Street, Nelson.

For more information contact me or to book a workshop, visit Community Education at Selkirk College.

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